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Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Professor (W1, tenure-track) for Political Science with a Special Focus on Comparative Democracy Research in the European Multilevel System

Neu Veröffentlicht am 26.09.2024 Festanstellung

Professor (W1, tenure-track) for Political Science with a Special Focus on Comparative Democracy Research in the European Multilevel System

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main invites applications for the position ofProfessor (W1, tenure-track)for Political Science with a Special Focus on Comparative Democracy Research in the European Multilevel Systemin the Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences. This civil servant or public employee position will start as soon as possible.This is a tenure-track position for an initial six-year term. If tenure is approved at the end of the term, the position will be made permanent and promotion to the rank of Full Professor (W2) will be granted. This position is open to individuals in the early stages of their academic career.You have a proven track record in research and teaching in Comparative Politics and can demonstrate a focus on comparative democracy research in the European multi-level system. You demonstrate this through an excellent, completed dissertation and internationally visible research on the above-mentioned focus. Expertise on questions of democratic theory in the context of the EU is welcome. Initial experience in the acquisition of third-party funded projects is desirable.We expect that you are open to participate in ongoing and future research projects at Goethe University and in the faculty. We expect you to be involved in the faculty's degree programs. We require a willingness to also teach introductury courses on EU politics. The position will also be involved in teacher training; thus, didactical experience and concepts are also welcome.The formal hiring requirements are defined in sections 67, 68, and 70 of the Hessian Higher Education Act (Hessisches Hochschulgesetz).Goethe University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to diversity and inclusion. In particular, we are welcoming applications by qualified women and people with a migrant background. At Goethe University, a special emphasis is placed on creating and sustaining a family-friendly work and research environment. Where applicants are otherwise equally qualified, preference is given to candidates with disabilities or equivalent. The same applies to women in fields in which they are under-represented.To apply, please send a CV, a list of publications, an overview of your research and teaching activities as well as transcripts and a selection of recent course evaluations by October 10, 2024 online at https://berufungsportal.uni-frankfurt.de/. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Christopher Daase at E-Mail schreiben. Further information about the appointment process, the legal framework and data protection:www.professorship-vacancies.uni-frankfurt.deWWW.UNI-FRANKFURT.DE


Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt