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GSI Helmholtzzentrum für SchwerionenforschungGmbH

(01.12.2024) Accelerator Physicists or Engineers (allgenders) Reference: 24.132-6680

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  • Veröffentlicht am 01.12.2024
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(01.12.2024) Accelerator Physicists or Engineers (allgenders) Reference: 24.132-6680

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung inDarmstadt operates one of the leading particle accelerators forscience. Currently, the new FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and IonResearch) one of the world's largest research projects, will bebuilt in international cooperation. GSI and FAIR offer theopportunity to work in this international environment with a teamof employees committed to ensuring each day to conduct world-classscience. For the department Linac (LIN) we are looking for twoAccelerator Physicists or Engineers (all genders) Reference:24.132-6680 to participate in the operation and development of theGSI linear accelerator UNILAC (UNIversal Linear ACcelerator). Tasksand responsibilities include the coordination of UNILAC operationand the shutdown work relating to this facility, but also mediumand long-term development tasks in the field of heavy ion linearaccelerators, operating with world-class performances. Part of thework time is spent in support for the ongoing construction projectFAIR-SFRS, the super fragment separator and its beam lines.Aufgaben One work focus is: - Responsibility and/or cooperation inall tasks concerning the machine coordination of GSI-UNILAC -Assistance in the coordination of shutdown work - Management and/orcollaboration on assorted UNILAC upgrade projects - On alonger-term time scale, the safety responsibility for UNILACoperation. Other tasks include: - Development of beam dynamicscodes - Beam dynamics support for the high current heavy ion UNILACoperation - Collaboration in the sub-project “Longitudinal beammatching” - Active participation in the FAIR-UNILAC upgrade programMandatory: - Active participation in linear accelerator developmenttasks, including UNILAC and possible future linacs (e.g. HELIAC) -Participation in the FAIR Super-FRS-project Profil - UniversityMaster Degree in physics or engineering sciences or comparablequalification - Ability and interest to work with mechanicalsystems and accelerator installations - Knowledge in RadioFrequency, vacuum technology, beam dynamics and other relevantfields of accelerator technology and physics - Knowledge andinterest in the design and construction of RF accelerator cavitiesand in the design of linear accelerators - Team-oriented and safeworking methods - Good language skills in English and a strongcommitment to learn German are mandatory The followingqualifications and skills are desirable: - A PhD in acceleratorscience or physics - Experience in the operation of ion or heavyion accelerators - Experience in the coordination of shutdown workin accelerator facilities - Experience in the management andimplementation of accelerator projects - Experience in the assemblyand maintenance of complex technical systems Wir bieten amultifaceted and interesting position within an internationallyleading research institution. For these positions we offerpermanent contracts. Salary is as specified in the collectiveagreement for public employees (TVöD Bund), effective at GSI.Applications from the international community are invited. GSIsupports the vocational development of women. Therefore, women areespecially encouraged to apply for the position. Handicappedpersons will be preferentially considered when equallyqualified.


GSI Helmholtzzentrum für SchwerionenforschungGmbH, Darmstadt