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Clearstream Banking AG Intern - Non-Financial Risk Management (f/m/d)
Veröffentlicht am 15.08.2024 Praktikum
Intern - Non-Financial Risk Management (f/m/d)

As a central securities depository (CSD) headquartered in Frankfurt/Main, Clearstream Banking AG operates the post-trading business – i.e. issuance, settlement and custody – for German securities.
Your area of work
As an Intern - Non-Financial Risk Management (f/m/d) you will support the team in the Clearstream Risk Management department which is an elementary component of the management and control of Clearstream as part of Deutsche Börse Group. The main purpose of the Risk Management area is to monitor the overall risk profile so that developments that could jeopardize the interests of the company can be identified and suitable countermeasures can be deployed. You will be actively taking part in our process, while we are offering you diverse, interesting and above all challenging tasks.
Your responsibilities:

  • You will generate analyses and documents for the decision-making process in regards to latest risk management issues
  • You will support the identification of operational risks and business risks together with business units
  • You will participate in ongoing projects of the area, especially in the yearly review of operational risk scenarios
  • In addition to this, you will support the enhancement of the Internal Control System
  • You will assist in the course of common risk management operations
  • Furthermore, you will take care of administrative and organisational tasks
    Your profile:

  • You are enrolled during the entire period of activity at a state-recognized university as a regular student and have completed at least 2 semester (study focus in the field of economics, business studies, mathematics, physics or other relevant fields)
  • Ideally, you have already gained first practical experience in the context of an internship in the financial sector
  • You are interested in statistics, banks and stock markets
  • Thanks to your communicative nature, you quickly find your way into the team. Besides working in teams, you have the ability to work independently and your analytical skills and your motivation help you to quickly familiarize yourself with new topics
  • Moreover, you have advanced knowledge in MS Office (in particular MS Excel, MS Word and MS Power Point) and ideally SAP
  • You are fluent in written and spoken English
  • Start date: 01/10/2024

    Why Deutsche Börse Group?

    We are committed to providing a work environment where everyone feels welcome and can reach their full potential. Our standards go far beyond simply matching candidates with the right position.


    We enable you to move freely with our job tickets, job (e-)bikes and free parking opportunities.

    Work environment

    Collaboration, communication, or deep focus – in our modern office buildings you will find the perfect work environment. Free drinks and food and meal allowances included.

    Health and wellbeing

    We care for your health and wellbeing and besides various health promotion measures we offer you a group accident insurance and additional insurance offers at discounted rates.

    Financial stability

    We provide financial stability by offering attractive salaries, company pension schemes, participation in our Group Share Plan, as well as bonuses, subsidies and discounts.

    Hybrid work

    Collaborate and exchange on-site or work remotely several days a week in line with business needs and local regulations. Our hybrid working model combines the best of both worlds.

    Flexible working hours

    We want your job to fit your life situation and offer flexible working time models, part-time models, childcare allowance, or the possibility to study alongside your job.


    Our market infrastructures are globally connected. Working with us means collaborating with like-minded colleagues across over 60 locations from more than 100 nations.


    We promote individual development by offering internal development programmes, mentoring, further education and training budgets.


    Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt


    Wie mache ich schnell Karriere in Finance-Jobs?

    Ein ausgeprägtes Zahlenverständnis sowie ein Grundstudium sind in den meisten qualifizierten Finance-Jobs ein Muss. Doch soll die Finanz-Karriere wirklich schnell Fahrt aufnehmen, braucht es praktische Erfahrungen. Ein duales Studium im Bereich Bankwesen bietet sich hier zum Beispiel an, um Arbeitserfahrung und den obligatorischen Hochschulabschluss gleichzeitig zu bekommen. Einige Stellenangebote für Finanzen priorisieren zudem folgende Skills: Markt- und Branchenkenntnisse, fließendes Englisch sowie analytisches Denkvermögen. Eignest du dir schnell ein ausgewogenes Gesamtpaket aus den obigen Punkten an, hast du gute Chancen auf eine steile Karriere in Finanzen-Jobs.

    Welche verschiedenen Finance-Jobs gibt es?

    Das Finanzwesen ist ein gigantisches Feld, dem sich die verschiedensten Jobs unterordnen. Je nach deiner Studienrichtung, dem Abschluss oder deinen persönlichen Präferenzen lässt sich die Spannweite an Finanz-Jobs natürlich abstecken. Fakt ist: Die Mehrheit der Stellenangebote für Finanzen sucht aktuell in den Bereichen:

    Wie zukunftsfähig sind Finanzen-Jobs?

    Finanzen-Jobs durchlaufen eine digitale Transformation. Was zunächst nach Stellenabbau, Jobverslust oder Disruption klingt, ist tatsächlich der Schlüssel für zukünftigen Erfolg der Branche. So stärken Banken durch innovative Digitalisierungsstrategien beispielsweise wieder ihre Positionen. Junge Wettbewerber dagegen schaffen neue Nischen und erweitern dadurch das Finanzwesen um zukünftigen Spielraum.

    Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Stellenangebote im Bereich Finanzen?

    Gerade im Finanzbereich gilt die klassische Bewerbung noch als Pflichtvoraussetzung. Mit diesen Bewerbungsvorlagen zeigt Absolventa dir, wie deine Finanz-Bewerbung aussehen kann. Dazu findest du hier Fragen, die im Vorstellungsgespräch für Finanz-Jobs gerne gestellt werden.

    Was verdiene ich in Finanzen-Jobs?

    Spanne Gehalt
    von 3.424 €
    Ø 5.095 €
    bis 6.767 €

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