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Goldman Sachs Risk, Counterparty Credit Risk - Financial Institutions/Distressed Credit Management, Senior Analyst/Associate, Frankfurt
Veröffentlicht am 27.06.2024 Festanstellung

Risk, Counterparty Credit Risk - Financial Institutions/Distressed Credit Management, Senior Analyst/Associate, Frankfurt RISK

Our Risk division develops and managesprehensive processes to monitor, assess, and manage the risk of expected and unexpected events that may have an adverse impact on the firm. Risk professionals execute critical day-to-day risk management activities, lead projects, and contribute to the ongoing advancement of a robust risk management program. Effective coordination with executive management, business units, control departments and technology is critical for success.

Credit Risk is responsible for managing the firm's credit exposure to its trading and lending counterparties. Credit professionals protect the Firm's capital by leveraging expertise in financial analysis of clients, markets, and products to make risk decisions. Credit Risk provides a unique opportunity to develop a variety of professional skills and expertise in risk management while working on financial transactions and gaining a broad perspective on how the entire Firm functions. The interaction with numerous departments and the wide range of projects allow for a challenging, varied and multi-dimensional work environment. This role is ideal for collaborative individuals who are intellectually curious, have strong ethics and attention to detail.
Credit Risk Financial Institution and Workout & Restructuring teams within Global Banking & Markets are looking for a Senior Analyst / Associate. Teams' activity includes risk management of a portfolio of clients in the EMEA Financial Institutions industry as well as managing the firm's distressed and defaulted credit positions to maximize recoveries.

  • Assess the credit and financial strength of the firm's Financial Institution and CCP counterparts by performing fundamental credit analysis
  • Review and approve derivative and lending transactions while ensuring appropriate documentation and risk mitigants to protect against default and minimize potential losses
  • Monitor credit trends of financial markets participants, proactively escalating to and advising management team
  • Support GS Bank Europe' s counterparty credit riskernance framework
  • Monitor the performance of Watch List counterparties, including adherence to terms and covenants, and repayments
  • Coordinate work related to fire drills, review of workout cases and escalation to senior management
  • Enhance policies and procedures in the areas of early warnings, closeout and default management
  • Develop expertise in bankruptcy and distressed credit management. Participate in formulating workout strategies and approval discussions
  • Interact with auditors and regulators as part of the ongoing supervision process in the area of counterparty credit risk
  • 3+ years of relevant experience covering Financial Institutions, either in a counterparty credit risk management role, fixed ie research or other credit analyst role
  • Good understanding of financial institutions fundamentals such as banks, CCPs, broker-dealers, financepanies or insurers
  • Knowledge of derivatives, funding, and lending products and related trading and lending documentation (, ISDA/CSA, MRA, credit agreements)
  • Familiarity with regulatory requirements and practices in counterparty credit riskernance / distressed credit risk management
  • Technical Skills - Demonstrates strong technical skills required for the role, pays attention to details, takes initiative to broaden his/her knowledge and demonstrates appropriate financial/analytical skills
  • Drive and Motivation - Successfully handles multiple tasks, takes initiative to improve his/her own performance, works intensely towards extremely challenging goals and persists in the face of obstacles or setbacks
  • Client and Business Focus - Effectively handles difficult requests, builds trusting, long-term relationships with clients, helps the client to identify/define needs and manages client/business expectations
  • Teamwork - Gives evidence of being a strong team player, collaborates with others within and across teams, encourages other team members to participate and contribute and acknowledges others' contributions
  • -municates what is relevant and important in a clear and concise manner, shares information/new ideas with others, and demonstrates judgment to escalate as appropriate
  • Judgment and Problem Solving - Thinks ahead, anticipates questions, plans for contingencies, finds alternative solutions and identifies clear objectives. Sees the big picture and effectively analysesplex issues
  • Creativity/Innovation - Looks for new ways to improve current processes and develop creative solutions that are grounded in reality and have practical value
  • Influencing Oues - Presents sound, persuasive rationale for ideas or opinions. Takes a position on issues and influences others' opinions by presenting persuasive rmendation


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    Job ID 300007295944393

    Goldman Sachs, Frankfurt


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    Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Stellenangebote im Bereich Finanzen?

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    Spanne Gehalt
    von 3.424 €
    Ø 5.095 €
    bis 6.767 €

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