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Advanced Micro Devices, Inc Software Development Engineer Intern (f/m/d)
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Praktikum

WHAT YOU DO AT AMD CHANGES EVERYTHING We care deeply about transforming lives with AMD technology to enrich our industry, our communities, and the world. Our mission is to build great products that accelerate next-generation computing experiences – the building blocks for the data center, artificial intelligence, PCs, gaming and embedded. Underpinning our mission is the AMD culture. We push the limits of innovation to solve the world’s most important challenges. We strive for execution excellence while being direct, humble, collaborative, and inclusive of diverse perspectives. AMD together we advance_ As an intern, you can immediately contribute to AMD's next generation of technology innovations. We have a dynamic, high-energy work environment filled with expert employees and unique opportunities for developing your career. During your internship, you will have the opportunity to connect with AMD leaders, receive one-on-one mentorship, attend amazing networking events, and much more. With AMD, you can get hands-on experience that will give you a competitive edge in the workforce. We’re looking for a Intern (f/m/d) to help us build the compiler and software tool chain for deploying custom ML networks optimized for latency, throughput and power to ACAP, for a duration of 5-6 months at our Cologne office. ACAP is a unique platform in the industry that allows to heavily adapt and re-configure the hardware to target any custom ML network, thereby providing best power-performance at the fastest time to market. Your work in the compiler team will enable that! LOCATION: Cologne, Germany PROGRAM TERM: starting September 1st 2024 for 5-6 months WHAT YOU’LL BE DOING: You will contribute, develop and enhance our ML compiler by building optimizers required to achieve certain performance and efficiency criterion targeted to ACAP on top of open-source technology like LLVM, TVM, MLIR. You will work on hardware performance modeling tools that predict the performance with various level of accuracy and abstraction to be used as part of the compiler optimizations/explorations. You will formulate, code and test optimization algorithms and constraints. Work with a diverse set of people and team WHO WE’RE LOOKING FOR: You’re studying towards a Master or PhD in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or a related field You have good programming skills (preferably C++ and Python) You have been exposed to AI accelerator architectures You have gained exposure with either using AI accelerators or compiling to an accelerator/ASIC You are familiar with deep learning frameworks (e.g. Tensorflow, Pytorch, ONNX) and software stack (e.g. TVM) Back end code generation is a plus You have communication and problem-solving skills, have a hands-on mentality and are able to work in a team You are an EU citizen or possess a valid work permit. Visa sponsorship is not available for this position By submitting your application, you indicate your interest in AMD intern positions. We are recruiting for multiple positions, and if your experience aligns with any of the intern opportunities, a recruiter will contact you. Benefits offered are described: AMD benefits at a glance. AMD does not accept unsolicited resumes from headhunters, recruitment agencies, or fee-based recruitment services. AMD and its subsidiaries are equal opportunity, inclusive employers and will consider all applicants without regard to age, ancestry, color, marital status, medical condition, mental or physical disability, national origin, race, religion, political and/or third-party affiliation, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We encourage applications from all qualified candidates and will accommodate applicants’ needs under the respective laws throughout all stages of the recruitment and selection process.As an intern, you can immediately contribute to AMD's next generation of technology innovations. We have a dynamic, high-energy work environment filled with expert employees and unique opportunities for developing your career. During your internship, you will have the opportunity to connect with AMD leaders, receive one-on-one mentorship, attend amazing networking events, and much more. With AMD, you can get hands-on experience that will give you a competitive edge in the workforce. We’re looking for a Intern (f/m/d) to help us build the compiler and software tool chain for deploying custom ML networks optimized for latency, throughput and power to ACAP, for a duration of 5-6 months at our Cologne office. ACAP is a unique platform in the industry that allows to heavily adapt and re-configure the hardware to target any custom ML network, thereby providing best power-performance at the fastest time to market. Your work in the compiler team will enable that! LOCATION: Cologne, Germany PROGRAM TERM: starting September 1st 2024 for 5-6 months WHAT YOU’LL BE DOING: You will contribute, develop and enhance our ML compiler by building optimizers required to achieve certain performance and efficiency criterion targeted to ACAP on top of open-source technology like LLVM, TVM, MLIR. You will work on hardware performance modeling tools that predict the performance with various level of accuracy and abstraction to be used as part of the compiler optimizations/explorations. You will formulate, code and test optimization algorithms and constraints. Work with a diverse set of people and team WHO WE’RE LOOKING FOR: You’re studying towards a Master or PhD in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or a related field You have good programming skills (preferably C++ and Python) You have been exposed to AI accelerator architectures You have gained exposure with either using AI accelerators or compiling to an accelerator/ASIC You are familiar with deep learning frameworks (e.g. Tensorflow, Pytorch, ONNX) and software stack (e.g. TVM) Back end code generation is a plus You have communication and problem-solving skills, have a hands-on mentality and are able to work in a team You are an EU citizen or possess a valid work permit. Visa sponsorship is not available for this position By submitting your application, you indicate your interest in AMD intern positions. We are recruiting for multiple positions, and if your experience aligns with any of the intern opportunities, a recruiter will contact you.Benefits offered are described: AMD benefits at a glance. AMD does not accept unsolicited resumes from headhunters, recruitment agencies, or fee-based recruitment services. AMD and its subsidiaries are equal opportunity, inclusive employers and will consider all applicants without regard to age, ancestry, color, marital status, medical condition, mental or physical disability, national origin, race, religion, political and/or third-party affiliation, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We encourage applications from all qualified candidates and will accommodate applicants’ needs under the respective laws throughout all stages of the recruitment and selection process.


Advanced Micro Devices, Inc, Cologne


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von 4.182 €
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Konkrete Infos und Vergleichsmöglichkeiten rund um das Einstiegsgehalt und die Gehaltsentwicklung in der IT gibt es hier.

Welche verschiedenen IT Jobs gibt es?

Die Informationstechnologie ist eine verhältnismäßig junge Disziplin, bietet jedoch schon eine extrem große Bandbreite an verschiedenen IT Jobs – oft sogar mit eigenen IT Jobbörsen. Die meisten IT Stellenangebote versuchen diese Bereiche zu besetzen:

Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf IT Stellenangebote?

Der Andrang auf Jobs in den IT Jobbörsen ist groß – umso weniger Zeit haben Personalchefs folglich für deine Bewerbung. Diese muss deshalb bereits auf den ersten Blick überzeugen; also aussagekräftig, gut strukturiert, vollständig und ansprechend sein. Wie in alle Bewerbungsunterlagen gehören in die Beweerbung für IT Jobs ein Anschreiben (höchstens eine Seite), dein Lebenslauf und Anlagen, wie etwa Zeugnisse. Übrigens liegt bei ITlern der Schwerpunkt auf dem Lebenslauf – gib dir hier also besonders Mühe und bleib vor allen Dingen ehrlich. Nicht selten folgt für den Job als Informatiker nach dem Erstgespräch ein Einstellungstest. Detaillierte Tipps zum Thema Bewerbung für Jobs als Informatiker findest du hier.

Wie mache ich schnell Karriere in der IT?

Um erfolgreich eine Karriere in der IT zu starten, hast du am besten Informatik studiert (Bachelor oder Master). Doch auch Wirtschaftsinformatiker oder Quereinsteiger, beispielsweise aus den Naturwissenschaften, können gute IT Stellenangebote bekommen. Auch mit einer Ausbildung zum Informatikkaufmann kannst du dich auf IT Jobs bewerben.

Wichtige Voraussetzungen für alle EDV-Jobs sind sehr gute Englischkenntnisse und Soft Skills wie eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe, Belastbarkeit, Teamspirit und Verantwortungsbewusstsein. Selbstredend solltest du für IT Jobs ein überdurchschnittliches Interesse an Tech-Themen und ein grundlegendes technisches Verständnis mitbringen. Am besten verfolgst du regelmäßig die neusten Trends in den IT-Bereichen Big Data, Internet der Dinge und Industrie 4.0, wenn du auf der Suche nach Informatik-Jobs bist.

Wie zukunftsfähig ist der Job als Informatiker?

Da in jeder Branche Informatiker Jobs gebraucht und oft sogar händeringend gesucht werden, stehen deine Chancen in Sachen IT Job grundsätzlich sehr gut. Zweifelsfrei findest du heute viele aktuelle IT Stellenangebote – was sich im Zuge der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung auch nicht ändern wird. Wichtig zu wissen: Kaum ein Berufsfeld ist so schnelllebig und von ähnlich rasanten Entwicklungen geprägt.

Ohne Weiterbildungen und den Ehrgeiz, immer auf dem neusten Wissensstand zu sein, geht in IT Jobs nichts. Übrigens bietet sich auch in deiner IT Karriere der Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit an; sowohl kleine als auch große Firmen arbeiten gerne mit Freelancern zusammen. Letztendlich ist es zukunftsmäßig um kaum eine Branche so gut bestellt wie um die IT.

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IT & Development
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