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Expedia Group Associate Market Manager (German speaking)
Veröffentlicht am 27.06.2024 Festanstellung

Associate Market Manager (German speaking)

The Associate Market Manager's primary responsibility in their assigned territory is to initiate, develop and maintain a high-quality portfolio of hotel products (i.e. relevant, attractive and competitive) for Expedia's fast-growing global customer base.

In doing so, Associate Market Managers will also continuously work with their hotel partners to help them maximize the production potential from their participation in the Expedia marketplace by smartly utilizing the power of Expedia Group’s unique data insights, marketing, distribution and revenue management toolset.

What you'll do:

  • Consistently leveraging data specific to their market available in Expedient, Expedia's proprietary market insights and activity prioritization dashboard, and leveraging their local market knowledge, Associate Market Managers will:

  • Build and progressively expand their portfolio of local hotel partners by introducing prospective high potential partners to Expedia's global value proposition and facilitating their onboarding process

  • Develop and sustain strong partner relationships by providing relevant data insights and superior consulting services to hotel partners (revenue management advice, marketing opportunities on the Expedia marketplace)

  • Ensure that their partner hotels' product (content, rates and availability) is consistently optimized and competitive on the Expedia sites to maximize customer conversion

  • Secure additional inventory over high demand and compression periods to satisfy customers' pressing needs

  • Secure seasonal deals, evergreen and dynamic promotions within the guidelines set by Management to support the brands' merchandising and marketing efforts.

  • Continuously promote to and develop hotel partners' high engagement with Expedia's full suite of:

  • Unique market insights (partner reports, competitive data, key performance drivers)

  • Revenue management tools (dynamic promotions, packages, fenced deals, mobile)

  • Marketing and merchandising opportunities

  • Specialized brands (e.g. Hotwire, Media Solutions) potential opportunities

  • Self-service tools (Expedia Partner Central), Connectivity solutions (Expedia Quick Connect) and key support functions (Property Assistance team)

  • Execute effectively based on KPI metrics (targets, goals and/or strategic objectives) set by leadership

  • Other reasonable duties, as assigned

  • ​This role focuses on the core of the Market Management's team responsibility, which is to ensure that Expedia's brands' global customers always find the most suitable hotel for their dream trip wherever they want to go and that our hotel partners can effectively, and efficiently and throughout the year, reach Expedia's unique breadth of global traveler’s demand.

Who you are:

  • 1-2 years' experience, some account management/sales experience is preferred

  • Proficiency in German and English

  • Drive for Results

  • High impact personality: intellectual agility, entrepreneurship, empathy in relationship, team player

  • Hungry, ambitious, motivated, action-oriented, results-focused, and metrics-driven

  • Organization and time management skills, rigor, attention to details

  • Proven follow-up/persistence when facing challenging situations

  • Ability to multi-task effectively; must be able to change gears quickly without skipping a beat

  • Strategy Execution

  • Demonstrates ability to prioritize work and be laser-focused on achieving a variety of KPIs (targets, goals and/or strategic objectives) set by leadership team

  • Relationship Management

  • Sincere relationship builder; earns the confidence of others

  • Bridges and sustains solid partnerships based on mutual support through a collaborative style

  • Solution Alignment

  • Appetite for innovative technology, fast-changing business environment, data-driven decision making

  • Demonstrates problem solving skills

  • Ability to select and present insightful dataset including performance, market, and competitor analysis and to implement meaningful action plans based on the data

  • Presents ideas and directives clearly and persuasively; actively listens when spoken/presented to

  • Ability to effectively communicate to various levels and through a variety of communication channels

  • Able to work independently as well as be a strong team player, always seeking to improve team and organizational performance

  • Help other team members acquire skills or achieve targets/goals


Expedia Group, Munich


Wie mache ich schnell Karriere als Manager?

Zunächst ist das Management-Studium, zum Beispiel International Management, ein guter erster Karrierebaustein. Jedoch können auch Personen mit anderen Hintergründen Management-Jobs antreten, wenn Arbeitserfahrung, Karrierelevel und soziale Kompetenz stimmen. Letztere zählt zu den entscheidenden Voraussetzungen, um Manager zu werden und als Führungskraft Karriere zu machen. Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit und Motivationskraft sind wichtige Führungskriterien und bringen dich in einem Job im Management schnell weiter.

Welche verschiedenen Management Stellen gibt es?

Das Management eines Unternehmens unterteilt sich in der Regel in mehrere Bereiche und deckt unterschiedliche Abteilungen ab – vom Controlling bis zum Marketing. Klassische Management Stellen werden so also nicht ausgeschrieben. Vielmehr erwarten dich unter anderem folgende Stellenanzeigen für Manager:

Wie zukunftsfähig ist ein Job im Management?

Die Berufschancen als Manager sind absolut vielfältig. Zwangsläufig unterscheiden sich je nach Unternehmen und Branche die Perspektiven. Im Controlling, Sales oder als CTO wirst du auch in Zukunft beste Chancen haben. Fakt ist: Jobs als Manager mit digitalem Schwerpunkt bleiben weiterhin gefragt.

Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Management Stellen?

Da du als Führungskraft für die Mitarbeiter in deinem Team mit gutem Beispiel vorangehst, sollte auch deine Bewerbung für eine Management Stelle vorbildlich sein. Anschreiben und Lebenslauf sind dabei ohne Zweifel Pflichtbestandteile – sinnvoll aufgebaut, sauber gelayoutet und auf das jeweilige Stellenangebot zugeschnitten. Mehr dazu: Wie du dich optimal auf einen Job im Management bewirbst (inkl. Bewerbungsvorlage) und die wichtigsten Tipps für das Vorstellungsgespräch.

Wie hoch ist das durchschnittliche Manager-Gehalt?

Spanne Gehalt
von 3.634 €
Ø 4.698 €
bis 6.073 €

Hier gibt es ausführliche Gehaltsinfos zu Management Stellen und aktuelle Zahlen rund um die Gehälter für Führungskräfte.

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Management & Beratung
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