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WeWork Front Desk Associate (Part-time)
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Teilzeit Teilzeit

About the Opportunity

As a Front Desk Associate , you’ll be the heart and “face” of WeWork’s hospitality team as the primary point of contact for our members and guests! While no one day will look exactly the same, you will report to one of WeWork’s beautiful locations on weekdays only to support the Community Management team. Your work, which will include but not be limited to the duties listed below, will help WeWork to achieve the following:

  • Create a welcoming community environment for our members and guests (and sometimes their pets!) by greeting all who enter our spaces warmly.

  • Make members and guests feel known and cared for by proactively learning their names, answering their questions, and addressing their needs or concerns.

  • Support the Community Management team with maintaining the front desk operations throughout the day including mail and package handling.

  • Help ensure your building is fully operational and make adjustments when needed.

  • Take direction from the Community Associate, Community Lead and the Community Manager to support the Community Team as necessary.

  • Be an expert in WeWork products and services and appropriately promote WeWork-provided service offerings to our members and guests.

  • All of this while illustrating WeWork’s core values and working towards achieving our mission.

  • In this role, you’ll be responsible for the following areas:

    Front Desk Management

  • Greet all members and guests with a warm and welcoming demeanor.

  • Cover the front desk during the building’s set business hours and be an on-site point of contact for members, located at the Community Bar.

  • Ensure visiting guests are registered and checked in and in accordance with WeWork’s guest policies.

  • Provide orientation of our spaces and relevant information to ensure all first-time visitors and guests feel welcome and supported.

  • Support with issuing and collect keys from members and guests as needed.

  • Keep the front desk clean, organized and free of clutter at all times.

  • Notify members of any food deliveries and packages.

  • Member Engagement

  • Learn the names of members and guests and get to know their businesses with the goal of building relationships in order to facilitate the sense of Community WeWork is known for.

  • Keep track of relevant member notes and information in WeWork systems.

  • Answer questions from members and guests knowledgeably and be able to offer appropriate WeWork products and solutions to support where relevant.

  • Identify opportunities to celebrate members’ successes and milestones.

  • Know and be able to explain WeWork policies and procedures to members and guests

  • Know and recommend local restaurants, food delivery services, catering options, team outing venues, post office, shipping center, supply store, etc.

  • Building Operations and Management

  • Assist with the handling mail and packages throughout the day including receiving, processing, sorting and organizing.

  • Know and be able to explain WeWork policies and procedures around mail and mailroom.

  • Monitor how our spaces feel, look, smell, and sound and make adjustments when needed, for example, picking up rubbish, resetting chairs, and straightening pillows.

  • Help maintain building amenities throughout the day, for example, restocking of the Community treat bowl, keycards, printers, etc.

  • Respond to emergencies and incidents promptly and appropriately, escalating and recording as needed.

  • About You

    We’d love to hear from you if you meet the qualifications below:

  • You’re a people-person—you enjoy meeting new people from all walks of life.

  • In-person interactions energize you and you have outstanding interpersonal skills.

  • You feel comfortable and confident being the face of the brand.

  • Helping others gives you a sense of accomplishment.

  • You work well in a team and can roll up your sleeves to help when needed.

  • You’re able to multitask while always prioritizing the member experience

  • You’ve worked in hospitality / retail or customer service before (not required).

  • You have strong verbal and written communication skills.

  • You are comfortable with and proficient in basic computer skills.

  • You demonstrate and value integrity, dependability, responsibility, accountability, self-awareness, work ethic, and compassion

  • You show a passion and understanding of WeWork’s mission and values.

  • You have a secondary school certificate which is preferred but not required

  • Standort

    WeWork, Munich


    Wie mache ich schnell Karriere als Manager?

    Zunächst ist das Management-Studium, zum Beispiel International Management, ein guter erster Karrierebaustein. Jedoch können auch Personen mit anderen Hintergründen Management-Jobs antreten, wenn Arbeitserfahrung, Karrierelevel und soziale Kompetenz stimmen. Letztere zählt zu den entscheidenden Voraussetzungen, um Manager zu werden und als Führungskraft Karriere zu machen. Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit und Motivationskraft sind wichtige Führungskriterien und bringen dich in einem Job im Management schnell weiter.

    Welche verschiedenen Management Stellen gibt es?

    Das Management eines Unternehmens unterteilt sich in der Regel in mehrere Bereiche und deckt unterschiedliche Abteilungen ab – vom Controlling bis zum Marketing. Klassische Management Stellen werden so also nicht ausgeschrieben. Vielmehr erwarten dich unter anderem folgende Stellenanzeigen für Manager:

    Wie zukunftsfähig ist ein Job im Management?

    Die Berufschancen als Manager sind absolut vielfältig. Zwangsläufig unterscheiden sich je nach Unternehmen und Branche die Perspektiven. Im Controlling, Sales oder als CTO wirst du auch in Zukunft beste Chancen haben. Fakt ist: Jobs als Manager mit digitalem Schwerpunkt bleiben weiterhin gefragt.

    Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Management Stellen?

    Da du als Führungskraft für die Mitarbeiter in deinem Team mit gutem Beispiel vorangehst, sollte auch deine Bewerbung für eine Management Stelle vorbildlich sein. Anschreiben und Lebenslauf sind dabei ohne Zweifel Pflichtbestandteile – sinnvoll aufgebaut, sauber gelayoutet und auf das jeweilige Stellenangebot zugeschnitten. Mehr dazu: Wie du dich optimal auf einen Job im Management bewirbst (inkl. Bewerbungsvorlage) und die wichtigsten Tipps für das Vorstellungsgespräch.

    Wie hoch ist das durchschnittliche Manager-Gehalt?

    Spanne Gehalt
    von 3.634 €
    Ø 4.698 €
    bis 6.073 €

    Hier gibt es ausführliche Gehaltsinfos zu Management Stellen und aktuelle Zahlen rund um die Gehälter für Führungskräfte.

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    Management & Beratung
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