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ITL Germany Associate Manager - Client Services - MFG
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Festanstellung

Job description Infosys is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, spouse of protected veteran, or disability.Areas of ResponsibilityMarket Development: The Associate Manager – Client Services will perform competitive analysis for the segment for his account portfolio(s) - primary focus. S/He will work with other ADS' for their analyses for a unified view across the segment for existing account portfolios. S/He will work with UPAM team for sector-specific competitor analysis (from outside sources) in order to leverage Infosys' first-hand experience against competitors and get a "ground assessment"; and to complement the corporate/unit-driven competitor analysis from Market Research which can bring in the perspective of accounts that are not yet customers for Infosys. S/He will proactively identify the prospects within the client organization or clients within the same industry in order to enhance the market share. 2. Customer Prospecting: The Associate Manager – Client Services will provide client introductions and account context to help HBU G/EM's efforts in his account portfolio(s) in order to open diverse service-lines (HBUs) in his account in order to increase HBU footprint in the account. S/He will lead the Domain Solutions selling, Cross selling, new products, Intellectual Property selling. 3. Opportunity Identification and Qualification: The Associate Manager – Client Services will provide analysis and ground intelligence regarding opportunities (including proactive opportunities) in his account portfolio(s) to the IBU EM in order to engage with the client early and strategically. 4. Proposal Development: The Associate Manager – Client Services will be responsible for Preparation of Proposal and SoWs for his portfolio(s) through coordinating with different stakeholders such as Procurement, Legal and with multiple units working on the proposal. S/He will perform quantitative analysis to arrive at the win-price recommended including HBU-split; including relevant competitor analysis in order to demonstrate business value to the client(s) in his portfolio(s) and maintain price premium. 5. Proposal negotiation and Closure: The Associate Manager – Client Services will form "customer map" of named customers with potential/articulated objections to Infosys and recommend action, provide supporting data/analyses needed during negotiation. S/He will coordinate and take meeting notes in internal discussions with management for negotiation approach/approvals etc. in order to articulate business value and win the deal at the right price premium. S/He will Negotiate with Client Executes on the SoW with a combined value of 1-2 million dollar for his portfolio(s). 6. Contracting and MSA: S/He will support the EM (learn on the job) by providing a business-led view on items of contract negotiations E.g. which clauses could prove difficult for the team on the ground to implement, what do our competitors usually allow in contracting, relevant information about the lead negotiators from the client (e.g. " This negotiator comes from Walmart and so we can expect similar techniques/mindset in negotiating with suppliers"), etc. in order to understand Infosys' position on such matters. S/H will also lead negotiations for proposals regarding his own portfolio(s), with review and support from the EM as needed. S/He will have authority to make decisions on the deal through appropriate discounts. 7. Account Planning and Review: The Associate Manager – client Services prepares plan for portfolio(s) and for the account (as needed, along with the EM) in order to grow the portfolio(s) as per plan. ©Copyright Infosys Ltd. 4 Associate Engagement Manager 8. Account Mining: The Associate Manager – Client Services will identify the right contacts in the client organization; secure meeting with the clients concerned; set appropriate agenda (client context and pain points, industry / competitive context, Infosys value propositions). S/He will anchor meetings and close any opportunities generated. Within Infosys / partners s/he will check for active participation from HBUs / Partners concerned; provide account context (includes topics to avoid), suggest roles and responsibilities for ongoing client interactions; first-review of meeting materials in order to grow the account by positioning Infosys strategically and as an existing trusted partner. S/He will identify and pursue opportunities with different departments/buyers in his portfolio(s) within client organization in order to expand the Infosys footprint. 9. Account Operations: The Associate Manager – Client Services will follow up with the client to sign SOWs and uploads to OMS; follow up with client to release undisputed payments (AR). S/He will identify the right list of clients for CSAT and follow up with client if necessary for CSAT and ELF; in order to minimize revenue leakage for services delivered and enhance client satisfaction


ITL Germany, Frankfurt


Wie mache ich schnell Karriere als Manager?

Zunächst ist das Management-Studium, zum Beispiel International Management, ein guter erster Karrierebaustein. Jedoch können auch Personen mit anderen Hintergründen Management-Jobs antreten, wenn Arbeitserfahrung, Karrierelevel und soziale Kompetenz stimmen. Letztere zählt zu den entscheidenden Voraussetzungen, um Manager zu werden und als Führungskraft Karriere zu machen. Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit und Motivationskraft sind wichtige Führungskriterien und bringen dich in einem Job im Management schnell weiter.

Welche verschiedenen Management Stellen gibt es?

Das Management eines Unternehmens unterteilt sich in der Regel in mehrere Bereiche und deckt unterschiedliche Abteilungen ab – vom Controlling bis zum Marketing. Klassische Management Stellen werden so also nicht ausgeschrieben. Vielmehr erwarten dich unter anderem folgende Stellenanzeigen für Manager:

Wie zukunftsfähig ist ein Job im Management?

Die Berufschancen als Manager sind absolut vielfältig. Zwangsläufig unterscheiden sich je nach Unternehmen und Branche die Perspektiven. Im Controlling, Sales oder als CTO wirst du auch in Zukunft beste Chancen haben. Fakt ist: Jobs als Manager mit digitalem Schwerpunkt bleiben weiterhin gefragt.

Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Management Stellen?

Da du als Führungskraft für die Mitarbeiter in deinem Team mit gutem Beispiel vorangehst, sollte auch deine Bewerbung für eine Management Stelle vorbildlich sein. Anschreiben und Lebenslauf sind dabei ohne Zweifel Pflichtbestandteile – sinnvoll aufgebaut, sauber gelayoutet und auf das jeweilige Stellenangebot zugeschnitten. Mehr dazu: Wie du dich optimal auf einen Job im Management bewirbst (inkl. Bewerbungsvorlage) und die wichtigsten Tipps für das Vorstellungsgespräch.

Wie hoch ist das durchschnittliche Manager-Gehalt?

Spanne Gehalt
von 3.634 €
Ø 4.698 €
bis 6.073 €

Hier gibt es ausführliche Gehaltsinfos zu Management Stellen und aktuelle Zahlen rund um die Gehälter für Führungskräfte.

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Management & Beratung
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