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tozero Founder's Associate Intern
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Praktikum

tozero is Europe's leading deep-tech startup specializing in the recycling of lithium-ion batteries. Committed to accelerating decarbonization and transforming the material life-cycle, we’re actively crafting sustainable recycling solutions for a cleaner and more innovative future. ♻️

Apply for this position if you

  • seek to join a highly dynamic and motivated team as our Founder’s Associate for the CTO
  • not only bring a high level of skill and intelligence to the table but are also deeply engaged and driven to contribute to our company’s vision
  • want to get the incomparable opportunity to get a first-row view on entrepreneurship, learn how to build a business in the early stages, and join a fast-developing organization with a meaningful purpose.

Your Role and Responsibilities

  • Push forward day-to-day tasks by working closely with Ksenija, our co-founder and CTO
  • You will be thrown at different tasks across the company, for example, setting up processes, applying for competitions, helping out in commercial operations, etc.
  • Demonstrate versatility and ownership when managing your own projects - at tozero you will get responsibility from day one
  • You will work closely together with experienced peers from various backgrounds, shaping your understanding of how to deliver best results given a certain problem
  • Critically question, analyze, and improve existing processes with a first principle approach. We constantly aim to enhance our existing setup with maximum efficiency. Help us to build the best possible version of tozero with world-class processes, enabling us to have a smoothly running organization
  • Foster a vibrant company culture, aligning with our passion for innovation and ideas

What you need to succceed

  • Experience: You have initial experience in a fast-paced environment, such as in a startup, consultancy or investment banking
  • Qualification: You are currently studying as a Bachelor, Master, or MBA student, or recently graduated from university, engineering background is a plus
  • Languages: Fluency in German and English is required, any other language is a plus
  • Proactiveness: You are autonomous and self-motivated, able to tackle different initiatives and adapt to a constantly changing and highly demanding work environment.
  • Flexibility: You comfortably switch between different tasks and projects.
  • Teamwork: You are an enthusiastic and flexible team player, thriving in an international and diverse working environment.
  • Getting sh*it done: You are someone who knows how to prioritize what needs to be done and rallies colleagues to get things accomplished; you have a “roll up the sleeves” type of attitude.
  • Enthusiasm: Building, scaling, and rapidly iterating is what keeps you going!
  • Coach-ability: Open to new ideas and feedback. Constantly looking to improve. A genuine passion for the mission (you also dream of a planet with no lithium-ion battery waste!).

At tozero, we believe in providing a supportive and enriching work environment to help our team achieve top performance

  • Free Snacks and Drinks in the Office: Stay energized throughout the day with a variety of snacks and beverages.
  • Jobticket: Conveniently commute to work and all around Germany with our fully subsidized Deutschlandticket.
  • Dynamic Startup Environment: Thrive in a highly dynamic startup culture, collaborating with experts in the field and contributing to innovative projects that shape the future.

How to apply:

  1. Just send us your portfolio (CV is enough). If your profile matches our expectations we will get back to you with an invitation for a get-to-know call.
  2. In the second round, you will meet our CTO and Co-Founder Ksenija.
  3. If both sides are happy we will make you an offer and you can start asap!

Ideally, you are available for a six month internship.

About us in short:

▷ Europe’s first startup recycling lithium ion batteries

▷ On a mission to build a scalable lithium-ion battery recycling machine to recover the critical materials inside, like lithium, nickel, cobalt, and graphite in a sustainable way

▷ Raised our €3.5m pre-seed round to build our first prototype plant in Munich, Germany

▷ Started in summer 2022 and already representing 10+ nationalities!


Our Values

Be Proud: Taking pride in our work, celebrating team successes, and upholding high quality standards

Step Up: Taking initiative, going extra mile, adaptability, stepping up for the team, and being proactive

Scale: Passion for growth, driving our innovation, aiming for efficiency and agility, and staying along the way.


tozero, Munich


Wie mache ich schnell Karriere als Manager?

Zunächst ist das Management-Studium, zum Beispiel International Management, ein guter erster Karrierebaustein. Jedoch können auch Personen mit anderen Hintergründen Management-Jobs antreten, wenn Arbeitserfahrung, Karrierelevel und soziale Kompetenz stimmen. Letztere zählt zu den entscheidenden Voraussetzungen, um Manager zu werden und als Führungskraft Karriere zu machen. Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit und Motivationskraft sind wichtige Führungskriterien und bringen dich in einem Job im Management schnell weiter.

Welche verschiedenen Management Stellen gibt es?

Das Management eines Unternehmens unterteilt sich in der Regel in mehrere Bereiche und deckt unterschiedliche Abteilungen ab – vom Controlling bis zum Marketing. Klassische Management Stellen werden so also nicht ausgeschrieben. Vielmehr erwarten dich unter anderem folgende Stellenanzeigen für Manager:

Wie zukunftsfähig ist ein Job im Management?

Die Berufschancen als Manager sind absolut vielfältig. Zwangsläufig unterscheiden sich je nach Unternehmen und Branche die Perspektiven. Im Controlling, Sales oder als CTO wirst du auch in Zukunft beste Chancen haben. Fakt ist: Jobs als Manager mit digitalem Schwerpunkt bleiben weiterhin gefragt.

Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Management Stellen?

Da du als Führungskraft für die Mitarbeiter in deinem Team mit gutem Beispiel vorangehst, sollte auch deine Bewerbung für eine Management Stelle vorbildlich sein. Anschreiben und Lebenslauf sind dabei ohne Zweifel Pflichtbestandteile – sinnvoll aufgebaut, sauber gelayoutet und auf das jeweilige Stellenangebot zugeschnitten. Mehr dazu: Wie du dich optimal auf einen Job im Management bewirbst (inkl. Bewerbungsvorlage) und die wichtigsten Tipps für das Vorstellungsgespräch.

Wie hoch ist das durchschnittliche Manager-Gehalt?

Spanne Gehalt
von 3.634 €
Ø 4.698 €
bis 6.073 €

Hier gibt es ausführliche Gehaltsinfos zu Management Stellen und aktuelle Zahlen rund um die Gehälter für Führungskräfte.

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Management & Beratung
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