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Eurex Clearing AG Intern - Change Management (f/m/d)
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Praktikum

Eurex Clearing AG is one of the leading central counterparties (CCPs) globally, assuring the safety and integrity of markets while providing innovation in risk management, clearing technology, and client asset protection. The clearing house provides fully automated post-trade services for derivatives, equities, bonds and secured funding & financing as well as industry-leading risk management technologies. 

Your area of work

As one of the key control functions of Eurex Clearing, the Clearing Delivery & Control section performs monitoring and control of operational business processes, the operating Change- and Quality Management and the centralized master data maintenance for the electronic clearing and trading systems of Eurex Clearing AG, FWB (Frankfurter Wertpapier Börse), Eurex and Eurex Repo as well as the connected trading platforms under consideration of market-related regulations.
As an intern/student assistant in the Change Management Unit, you will be a part of an agile project team and support project management activities such as project planning and controlling. You will contribute to specify software changes; document implemented solutions and support the execution of the software test. Additionally, you will acquire knowledge on the Clearing and Settlement processing. 

Your responsibilites:

  • You will support project management activities such as project planning and controlling
  • You will support with daily business activities and ongoing projects within the department
  • You will participate in designing of innovative solutions for digitization and simplification of processes
  • In addition, you are responsible for the execution of software tests and recording test results 
  • Furthermore, you support with conducting data analysis and visualization to create informative and engaging dashboards
  • Your profile:

  • You are enrolled during the entire period of activity at a state-recognized university as a regular student and have completed at least two semesters (Study focus in the field of Business Informatics/ Administration, informatics, Economics or a related field). Furthermore, we offer the possibility of an orientation internship, whereby you are currently in a gap-year after your bachelor's or master's degree in the above-mentioned fields of study - in this case, a certificate of enrolment is not required
  • You have an independent and organized working attitude and high commitment to take up responsibility
  • In addition, you have a high analytical and critical thinking and communication skills as well as ability to work in a team
  • You have excellent skills in analyzing complex data structures. Experience with Python and SQL is a plus, but not required
  • Furthermore, you have very good English language skills, both written and spoken
  • Start date:  15/06/2024 

    Why Deutsche Börse Group?

    We are committed to providing a work environment where everyone feels welcome and can reach their full potential. Our standards go far beyond simply matching candidates with the right position.


    We enable you to move freely with our job tickets, job (e-)bikes and free parking opportunities.

    Work environment

    Collaboration, communication, or deep focus – in our modern office buildings you will find the perfect work environment. Free drinks and food and meal allowances included.

    Health and wellbeing

    We care for your health and wellbeing and besides various health promotion measures we offer you a group accident insurance and additional insurance offers at discounted rates.

    Financial stability

    We provide financial stability by offering attractive salaries, company pension schemes, participation in our Group Share Plan, as well as bonuses, subsidies and discounts.

    Hybrid work

    Collaborate and exchange on-site or work remotely several days a week in line with business needs and local regulations. Our hybrid working model combines the best of both worlds.

    Flexible working hours

    We want your job to fit your life situation and offer flexible working time models, part-time models, childcare allowance, or the possibility to study alongside your job.


    Our market infrastructures are globally connected. Working with us means collaborating with like-minded colleagues across over 60 locations from more than 100 nations.


    We promote individual development by offering internal development programmes, mentoring, further education and training budgets.


    Eurex Clearing AG, Frankfurt


    Wie mache ich schnell Karriere als Manager?

    Zunächst ist das Management-Studium, zum Beispiel International Management, ein guter erster Karrierebaustein. Jedoch können auch Personen mit anderen Hintergründen Management-Jobs antreten, wenn Arbeitserfahrung, Karrierelevel und soziale Kompetenz stimmen. Letztere zählt zu den entscheidenden Voraussetzungen, um Manager zu werden und als Führungskraft Karriere zu machen. Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit und Motivationskraft sind wichtige Führungskriterien und bringen dich in einem Job im Management schnell weiter.

    Welche verschiedenen Management Stellen gibt es?

    Das Management eines Unternehmens unterteilt sich in der Regel in mehrere Bereiche und deckt unterschiedliche Abteilungen ab – vom Controlling bis zum Marketing. Klassische Management Stellen werden so also nicht ausgeschrieben. Vielmehr erwarten dich unter anderem folgende Stellenanzeigen für Manager:

    Wie zukunftsfähig ist ein Job im Management?

    Die Berufschancen als Manager sind absolut vielfältig. Zwangsläufig unterscheiden sich je nach Unternehmen und Branche die Perspektiven. Im Controlling, Sales oder als CTO wirst du auch in Zukunft beste Chancen haben. Fakt ist: Jobs als Manager mit digitalem Schwerpunkt bleiben weiterhin gefragt.

    Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Management Stellen?

    Da du als Führungskraft für die Mitarbeiter in deinem Team mit gutem Beispiel vorangehst, sollte auch deine Bewerbung für eine Management Stelle vorbildlich sein. Anschreiben und Lebenslauf sind dabei ohne Zweifel Pflichtbestandteile – sinnvoll aufgebaut, sauber gelayoutet und auf das jeweilige Stellenangebot zugeschnitten. Mehr dazu: Wie du dich optimal auf einen Job im Management bewirbst (inkl. Bewerbungsvorlage) und die wichtigsten Tipps für das Vorstellungsgespräch.

    Wie hoch ist das durchschnittliche Manager-Gehalt?

    Spanne Gehalt
    von 3.634 €
    Ø 4.698 €
    bis 6.073 €

    Hier gibt es ausführliche Gehaltsinfos zu Management Stellen und aktuelle Zahlen rund um die Gehälter für Führungskräfte.

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    Management & Beratung
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