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Softwareentwicklung Jobs

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Zero to One Search Junior Fullstack Java Developer
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Festanstellung Homeoffice möglich

The hiring company is the leading German comparison platform , serving 15 million customers with over 40 products in comparison.

Have you ever wondered how it is possible to develop a high-performance and highly available fintech comparison platform? It's important to know that loans are highly individual, and the hiring company processes a large number of customer applications together with financial partners to create tailored individual offers for clients. This challenges the boundaries of classical APIs and architectural approaches, requiring the hiring company to find creative and smart solutions.

A highly distributed architecture and cloud-native applications form the basis for a robust, resilient, and highly scalable platform capable of quickly implementing product requirements while staying technically up-to-date and driving innovation. The hiring company relies on both modern and established technologies, as well as the continuous evaluation of trends and technologies of tomorrow to find the cheapest and fastest loan for customers.

Tech stack: Java 21 / Spring Boot 3, Gradle 8, React 18 / Angular 17, Kafka/ActiveMQ, Redis, Elasticsearch, MongoDB/Oracle/Percona, CICD, Flux/GitOps, K8s/Rancher, Prometheus/Grafana, and many more.

With over 500 individual deployments, more than 16 terabytes of RAM, over 1600 CPUs, and more than 600TB of disk space, the hiring company ensures the platform can handle high demand. The hiring company lives a strong DevOps culture, and as developers, employees are responsible for the entire development process from the late stage of requirement management to operations (PaaS) according to the guideline, "You build it, you run it." Through a high degree of automation and close collaboration, they achieve an average of 45 feature releases per day.

Knowledge building (trainings, tech talks, post-mortem reviews), and a personal development plan are deeply rooted in the company's value system.

Your Responsibilities:

  • You plan and develop frontend and backend apps for the loan comparison platform
  • You work in a cross-functional Scrum Team and take responsibility for the entire application life cycle
  • You drive innovation and technical improvements
  • Cooperate and interact with the product management

  • Requirements

  • Growth mindset and positive attitude
  • A passion for modern, high-performance web applications
  • Up-to-date knowledge of trends and technical skills
  • Good understanding of current cloud-technologies
  • Either deep knowledge of Java, Spring and Microservices with REST APIs or JavaScript frameworks such as React
  • Comprehensive experience with modern web application development with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript
  • Good knowledge of SQL and databases
  • Fluent English

  • Benefits

  • Modern working: Full-time employees work three days per week together in the office - the other two days flexibly from the office or from home ("remote working"). In addition, you can work flexibly from home or abroad for one week a year.
  • Experience and stability: more than 15 years of successes and failures shared across the group in over 15 locations
  • Working with customer orientation: each division at the company acts largely independently and unconditionally oriented towards its customers. This means focus and working methods like in a start-up with small teams and without superfluous coordination
  • Environment that demands and promotes openness and willingness to learn: You take responsibility in your team right from the start. If your ideas make the products better, they will adopt them. You know a tool that makes them better as a team? They will implement it together with you
  • They'll help you get ahead: Together with you, your manager is responsible for your personal development in your daily work. For this purpose, they offer trainings especially designed for the employees, such as the deepening of your IT skills
  • They value your commitment: permanent contracts and attractive compensation with annual bonuses for special successes. Vouchers for numerous company products, a subsidized company pension plan up to special conditions in fitness studios and a subsidized MVV ticket.
  • Food & Drinks: In addition to one free meal per day (breakfast or lunch), they provide you with fresh fruit from the region and you are also free to help yourself to drinks

  • Standort

    Zero to One Search, Munich


    Wie mache ich schnell Karriere in Softwareentwickler-Jobs?

    Deine Softwareentwickler-Karriere kommt vor allem durch Programmier-Skills und analytisches Denkvermögen in Fahrt. Ob du mit einem Bachelor oder Master den Job als Softwareentwickler antrittst, ist erst einmal zweitrangig. Denn wie in der gesamten IT baust du Fachwissen, Problemlösungskompetenz und Agilität vor allem durch Berufserfahrung auf. Zusätzlich zeichnet erfolgreiche Softwareentwickler und Programmierer ständiges Lernen und Innovationskraft aus.

    Welche verschiedenen Softwareentwickler-Jobs gibt es?

    Jobs als Softwareentwickler lassen sich gut der jeweiligen Programmier- und Auszeichnungssprache bzw. Software zuordnen. So fordern die meisten Softwareentwickler-Stellenangebote Fähigkeiten im Bereich:

    Wie zukunftsfähig sind Jobs für Softwareentwickler?

    Konstant entwickelt sich der Softwaremarkt weiter. Ob die Modifikationen und Optimierung bestehender Software oder der Launch komplett neuer Software: Der Job als Softwareentwickler bleibt im digitalen Zeitalter gefragt – und das in quasi allen Branchen und Arbeitsbereichen.

    Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Softwareentwickler-Stellenangebote?

    Zwar erleichtert die hohe Nachfrage der Unternehmen grundsätzlich die Stellensuche als Softwareentwickler, allerdings gibt es auch hier gewisse Spielregeln. Dazu gehören mindestens ein auf die Stellenangebote präzisiertes Anschreiben sowie ein gut strukturierter Lebenslauf. Auch im Vorstellungsgespräch warten auf den Softwareentwickler oft vorhersehbare Fragen, die du inklusive vorgefertigtem Bewerbungsmuster hier findest.

    Was verdient ein Softwareentwickler?

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