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Softwareentwicklung Jobs

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Zero to One Search Junior Java FullStack Developer (German C1)
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Festanstellung

Our client develops a leading online comparison platform in Germany. The department specializes in offering digital insurance solutions to consumers, leveraging technology to streamline the insurance shopping experience. Through their platform, users can compare a wide range of insurance products, including car insurance, health insurance, home insurance, and more, from various providers. The platform aims to simplify the insurance buying process, providing users with transparent information and helping them find the most suitable coverage at competitive prices. Their technology-driven approach aims to enhance customer satisfaction and promote financial literacy in the insurance industry. Location: Munich Type of contract: Permanent, on-site​ Your Responsobilities

  • Agile software development within one of our teams
  • Implementation of new products and innovative features in close collaboration with product management
  • Design and further development of our vehicle systems
  • Taking responsibility for technical and/or professional topics
  • Develop modern and customer-oriented web design with extensive functionality and user-friendliness
  • Application of your existing programming knowledge and motivation to constantly improve it

  • Requirements

  • You have successfully completed a degree in computer science or training as an IT specialist for application development
  • You have initial experience in frontend and backend development in the following programming languages Java / JavaScript / TypeScript
  • Initial knowledge in one or more of the following areas is an advantage: Kubernetes, Docker, REST APIs, databases, software architecture, web development, build and deployment with Jenkins/Git/Gradle
  • The team language is German, so your German skills should be at least at level B2. We would be happy to help you improve with language courses

  • Benefits

  • Experience and stability: more than 15 years of successes and failures shared across the group in over 15 locations
  • Working with customer orientation: each division in company acts largely independently and unconditionally oriented towards its customers. This means focus and working methods like in a start-up with small teams and without superfluous coordination
  • Environment that demands and promotes openness and willingness to learn: You take responsibility in your team right from the start. If your ideas make the products better, they will adopt them.
  • They equip you: Ergonomic workstation with modern equipment, including a MacBook, two additional monitors and height-adjustable desks from the first day of work.
  • The company will help you get ahead: Together with you, your manager is responsible for your personal development in your daily work. For this purpose, they offer trainings especially designed for employees, such as the deepening of your IT skills
  • The company values your commitment: permanent contracts and attractive compensation with annual bonuses for special successes. Vouchers for numerous company products, a subsidized company pension plan up to special conditions in fitness studios and a subsidized MVV ticket.
  • Food & Drinks: In addition to one free meal per day (breakfast or lunch), they provide you with fresh fruit from the region and you are also free to help yourself to drinks
  • They are also a great team outside of work: Numerous events to celebrate and network, as well as their legendary summer and Christmas parties

  • Standort

    Zero to One Search, Munich


    Wie mache ich schnell Karriere in Softwareentwickler-Jobs?

    Deine Softwareentwickler-Karriere kommt vor allem durch Programmier-Skills und analytisches Denkvermögen in Fahrt. Ob du mit einem Bachelor oder Master den Job als Softwareentwickler antrittst, ist erst einmal zweitrangig. Denn wie in der gesamten IT baust du Fachwissen, Problemlösungskompetenz und Agilität vor allem durch Berufserfahrung auf. Zusätzlich zeichnet erfolgreiche Softwareentwickler und Programmierer ständiges Lernen und Innovationskraft aus.

    Welche verschiedenen Softwareentwickler-Jobs gibt es?

    Jobs als Softwareentwickler lassen sich gut der jeweiligen Programmier- und Auszeichnungssprache bzw. Software zuordnen. So fordern die meisten Softwareentwickler-Stellenangebote Fähigkeiten im Bereich:

    Wie zukunftsfähig sind Jobs für Softwareentwickler?

    Konstant entwickelt sich der Softwaremarkt weiter. Ob die Modifikationen und Optimierung bestehender Software oder der Launch komplett neuer Software: Der Job als Softwareentwickler bleibt im digitalen Zeitalter gefragt – und das in quasi allen Branchen und Arbeitsbereichen.

    Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Softwareentwickler-Stellenangebote?

    Zwar erleichtert die hohe Nachfrage der Unternehmen grundsätzlich die Stellensuche als Softwareentwickler, allerdings gibt es auch hier gewisse Spielregeln. Dazu gehören mindestens ein auf die Stellenangebote präzisiertes Anschreiben sowie ein gut strukturierter Lebenslauf. Auch im Vorstellungsgespräch warten auf den Softwareentwickler oft vorhersehbare Fragen, die du inklusive vorgefertigtem Bewerbungsmuster hier findest.

    Was verdient ein Softwareentwickler?

    Spanne Gehalt
    von 4.482 €
    Ø 5.015 €
    bis 5.611 €

    Weitere Infos und aktuelle Zahlen zum Softwareentwickler-Gehalt gibt es hier.

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