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Softwareentwicklung Jobs

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smartclip Europe Software Engineer (w/m/d) - TV - Anwendungsentwicklung, Ingenieur
Veröffentlicht am 02.07.2024 Festanstellung Homeoffice möglich

Job ID: 269151

smartclip is the adtech development unit of RTL Group — Europe’s leading free-to-air broadcaster group. Our proprietary advertising technology is custom-built for the needs of European broadcasters and publishers — enabling media owners to implement smarter monetisation strategies. We are committed to delivering the most innovative video ad experiences spanning in-stream, out-stream, connected TV, addressable TV, and gaming — ultimately empowering brands with true cross-screen storytelling opportunities on all devices. The media sales division of smartclip will merge with RTL AdConnect and G&J iMS to form RTL AdAlliance, an international advertising and technology sales champion. Once the merger is complete, smartclip will focus strictly on technology development.

Headquartered in Hamburg, smartclip has offices in Berlin, Munich, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Gütersloh, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Amsterdam, Milan, and Rome. 

Your role

We are looking for a Javascript expert who has profound experience, who has followed the development of Javascript over the past years and who enjoys working in a high pace and constantly evolving industry. You will join a team of similar experts who work on our Frameworks and SDKs which are used in web, mobile and TV environments - you will specifically work against HbbTV / CTV / DVB devices and will have a lab with dozens of TV devices connected to a playout station at your disposal. While you love to puzzle over tasks to find good solutions, you also know how important it is to provide automated tests for your code to keep your solutions stable.

Your position in our team
  • Participate in the development of Frameworks and SDKs which are used in a heterogenous environment with multiple different devices and device types.
  • Cover these Frameworks and SDKs with automated tests and be responsible for finding the small details that matter to get your solution running on the broad spectrum of TVs, set-top boxes and more.
  • Getting yourself into the challenging world of TV devices and getting a good understanding of the HbbTV / CTV / DVB protocols and specifications. 
  • Puzzle over tasks and problems, with the motivation and stamina to see them through to the end. 
  • Fancy the possibility to work in a lab with a lot of TV devices which you can play around, mostly on your own discretion.
Your profile
  • Technology experiences in VanillaJS, JS Prototypes and ES3 - ES5, Typescript, NodeJS, Code Packaging 
  • Testing experiences with frameworks like mocha, supertest, puppeteer, playwright
  • Understanding of SmartTV, HbbTV, CTV, DVB protocols and specifications
  • Awareness, that there are many more TV devices out there and while your solution might work for the once that we have in our lab, the same solution might not work for another TV device
  • Nice to have: Apache Spark, Docker, Grafana, Graylog, Jenkins, Kubernetes
Your benefits
  • Our Approach:
    We are driven by exciting projects that enable freedom for personal design and development opportunities. We pride ourselves on leveraging the latest technologies to stay ahead, including Node.js, C++, Java, Scala, Python, SQL, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Google Cloud, and many more.
  • Tools & Equipment:
    We provide you with State-of-the-art equipment. Whether you prefer Mac, Linux, or any specific tool, you’ll have access to top-of-the-line equipment and state-of-the-art tools and programs.
  • Flexible Work Environment:
    From embracing remote work opportunities to offering an “honour system-based” approach to working hours to “Smart Fridays” — our latest four-day workweek option — we understand the value of flexibility.
  • Continuous Development:
    Investing in your growth is a priority for us. We offer diverse training opportunities through Udacity, Coursera, hackathons, conferences, and personal and professional coaching & training
  • What else we offer you:
    We take care of our employees. That’s why we offer attractive company benefits, such as contributions towards the Deutschland-Ticket and JobRad, discounted fitness packages with Urban Sports Club, a free RTL+ premium subscription, corporate benefits discounts, engaging company events, and much more.

Come be a part of our highly motivated team, united by a shared passion for digital processes!

Sounds exciting?

Then we should get to know each other! Please upload your CV.

smartclip is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other diverse characteristics.


smartclip Europe, Cologne


Wie mache ich schnell Karriere in Softwareentwickler-Jobs?

Deine Softwareentwickler-Karriere kommt vor allem durch Programmier-Skills und analytisches Denkvermögen in Fahrt. Ob du mit einem Bachelor oder Master den Job als Softwareentwickler antrittst, ist erst einmal zweitrangig. Denn wie in der gesamten IT baust du Fachwissen, Problemlösungskompetenz und Agilität vor allem durch Berufserfahrung auf. Zusätzlich zeichnet erfolgreiche Softwareentwickler und Programmierer ständiges Lernen und Innovationskraft aus.

Welche verschiedenen Softwareentwickler-Jobs gibt es?

Jobs als Softwareentwickler lassen sich gut der jeweiligen Programmier- und Auszeichnungssprache bzw. Software zuordnen. So fordern die meisten Softwareentwickler-Stellenangebote Fähigkeiten im Bereich:

Wie zukunftsfähig sind Jobs für Softwareentwickler?

Konstant entwickelt sich der Softwaremarkt weiter. Ob die Modifikationen und Optimierung bestehender Software oder der Launch komplett neuer Software: Der Job als Softwareentwickler bleibt im digitalen Zeitalter gefragt – und das in quasi allen Branchen und Arbeitsbereichen.

Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Softwareentwickler-Stellenangebote?

Zwar erleichtert die hohe Nachfrage der Unternehmen grundsätzlich die Stellensuche als Softwareentwickler, allerdings gibt es auch hier gewisse Spielregeln. Dazu gehören mindestens ein auf die Stellenangebote präzisiertes Anschreiben sowie ein gut strukturierter Lebenslauf. Auch im Vorstellungsgespräch warten auf den Softwareentwickler oft vorhersehbare Fragen, die du inklusive vorgefertigtem Bewerbungsmuster hier findest.

Was verdient ein Softwareentwickler?

Spanne Gehalt
von 4.482 €
Ø 5.015 €
bis 5.611 €

Weitere Infos und aktuelle Zahlen zum Softwareentwickler-Gehalt gibt es hier.

Arbeitgeber aus dem Bereich Softwareentwicklung

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