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European Central Bank Traineeship in Information Systems
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Trainee

Your role

will allow you to interact with ECB end users on business requirements, and hence on business analysis and project management tasks, and to participate in the hands-on development of solutions. 
  • Digital Experience (DX) with Low-Code and Intelligent Automation Product Team
  • In this area, interaction between business users and IT is the key to fast delivery of solutions for an even better digital experience at the ECB. You will use your communication skills to transform user requirements into IT solutions and automated processes. You will work with a wide range of products, including robotic process automation, chatbots, low code/no code, R, Python and mobile apps, as part of a small, dynamic team providing business users with custom IT solutions and applications to help them achieve their goals.
  • Communications Product Team
  • You will help design, implement and run the IT solution that underpins the ECB’s internal and external communications. This covers all communication channels and types of communication, ranging from high-level speeches to social media content aimed directly at the general public. As a project management/business analyst trainee in this area, among other things you will: 
  • see how an international institution communicates and experience the processes involved, including business priorities, pain points and opportunities; 
  • understand what it takes to manage and run a complex project, and how activities and projects are planned and aligned; 
  • engage with current IT issues in an institutional environment, as well as with project/process management complexities and needs where boundary conditions exist. You will also see how the process-centric organisation of the ECB translates into our activities in the area of enterprise services. You will negotiate with different stakeholders with sometimes conflicting goals and present possible solutions to the team to assess and discuss their viability. You will gain experience in areas like project management methodologies, the implementation of services in the cloud, change management, IT security, infrastructure integration and data protection.
  • Data Services Product Team
  • Would you like to improve your skills in data warehousing, data modelling and business analysis of unstructured data (including big data technologies such as Hadoop and Spark)? And do you already have some experience with statistical or mathematical software packages and with the related programming languages (i.e. Python, Access, VBA or similar) and/or with relational databases (Oracle, MySQL or similar)? Our team supports the ECB’s market operations and risk management functions, giving you the chance to gain insights into core central banking tasks.
  • Risk Management Product Team
  • You will join a large project team supporting the development of web-based applications that run core tasks for the ECB’s Directorate Risk Management. You will gain experience in project management and/or business analysis and will follow project lifecycles. These projects are aimed at significantly enhancing multiple applications using technologies such as Camunda, WSO2, Oracle Exadata and Java. While contributing to a project team, you will also have the chance to work closely with another ECB business area and learn about its processes, IT developments and applications. Work in our team is fast-paced, and you will have the opportunity to experience Agile development methods in practice.
  • Mobile Apps Development and Evolutive Maintenance :
  • You will join a highly specialised team working on the development and extension of the suite of internal mobile apps available to everyone working at the ECB.You will need to be motivated to apply your previous experience in using Apple iOS to help develop and enhance apps running on the Apple iOS platform. Extensive testing cycles are required before an app is made available in the ECB’s internal app store.This position offers you excellent opportunities to grow your skills and work, while contributing to some of the ECB’s most visible IT services. Coaching will be provided to help you gradually play an active part in the daily business tasks involved with your role. You will also have the opportunity to work closely with a multitude of different business areas within the ECB. You will be part of a multicultural team that strives for continuous innovation to make a positive impact on the lives of European citizens. 
    Qualifications, experience and skills Essential: 
  • a bachelor’s degree or higher in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, quantitative science, business management or another relevant field;
  • a sound understanding of information systems and information technology;
  • a background in project management frameworks and methodologies, such as and , and an understanding and knowledge of project scheduling and planning tools; 
  • a background in business analysis methodologies, such as , and an understanding and knowledge of business process modelling techniques; 
  • a good knowledge of the MS Office package and MS Teams for remote collaboration and messaging;
  • an advanced (C1) command of English and an intermediate (B1) command of at least one other official language of the EU, according to the .
  • Desired: 
  • an interest in complex technical content;
  • excellent analytical skills and an ability to break down complex technical objects into simpler, more manageable parts;
  • an ability to identify and document higher conceptual rules out of seemingly diverse, lower-level elements, situations or facts;
  • familiarity with Agile methodologies;
  • a professional qualification in project management or business analysis;
  • experience with low-code and robotic process automation (RPA) platforms;
  • knowledge of and experience in developing AI/ML solutions;
  • experience in obtaining and documenting requirements in various formats;
  • experience in testing software systems;
  • knowledge of and experience in developing and testing mobile apps (preferably based on the Apple iOS platform);
  • knowledge of Python, R or another statistical programming language.
  • You are curious and eager to learn, and want to further develop your ability to analyse complex information. You are keen to collaborate with others, pursue team goals and learn from other people’s diverse perspectives. You strive to know and anticipate stakeholder needs, and will signal any need for change and propose alternative solutions.You are motivated to contribute to the ECB’s mission, to serve the citizens of the EU as a member of a public institution and to work with colleagues from all over Europe. You are keen to be part of our team and to use your skills and competencies to achieve the aims of this position.

    European Central Bank, Frankfurt


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    In Wirtschaftsinformatiker-Jobs agierst du als Experte in gleich zwei Feldern, die hochgefragt sind. Und da technische Lösungen die Oberhand über viele Unternehmensbereiche nehmen, ist und bleibt die Schnittstellenfunktion im Wirtschaftsinformatik-Job besonders wertvoll.

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