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Strategy Engineers Associate (m/w/x) in Management Consulting
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Festanstellung

Strategy Engineers is an international management consulting company specialised in mobility.

We share one common purpose: To unlock our clients’ potential to navigate uncertainty towards sustainable mobility. We are convinced that our consulting approach is unique: Our management expertise and entrepreneurial competence, combined with technical understanding, sets us apart from other consultancies. It allows us to see eye-to-eye with our clients and meet their challenges with tailor-made solutions that bring sustainable change.

We strive to be responsible and create a positive social impact, a trait embodied by each and every one of our unique colleagues - all willing to contribute, accept challenges, and give substance to a new reality.

Strategy Engineers has been awarded the title „Best Consultant“ in Germany eleven years in a row. The company was founded in 2011 and today has its headquarters in Munich.


As an Associate at Strategy Engineers you will take on the different challenges a management consultant faces in the transformation of the mobility industry towards sustainable technologies.

From day one, you are responsible for your own work packages based on your existing expertise and develop it further. You are working directly with and for our customers.

Within the scope of your work package, you support our customers independently in the development and implementation of strategic and operational solutions in close alignment with the operative project manager.

You are leading a small client or consultant team and you will be responsible for guiding and developing younger colleagues.


• At least three years of relevant professional experience in management consulting or technology-driven industry, alternatively a completed doctorate and first relevant professional experience
• Excellent university degree in a STEM subject at a renowned university
• Fascination for technology and strategic questions going beyond the actual product itself
• Strong entrepreneurial thinking and acting
• Excellent analytical skills
• Team player, good communication skills, empathy, flexibility, enthusiasm and the willingness to take responsibility


• We actively involve you in the shaping of our consulting services and give you the opportunity to work independently
• You benefit from our specific trainings to develop your skills
• We offer an individual mentoring program and a distinctive feedback culture to optimally promote and support your career
• We have a flexible, hybrid working model where you can always work remotely, as long as the project and the project manager allow it
• We support our employees with a number of company benefits (e.g. sabbatical programs, mobility policy incl. JobRad, EGYM Wellpass, team & family events etc.)

Strategy Engineers is an international management consulting company specialised in mobility.

We share one common purpose: to unlock our clients’ potential to navigate uncertainty towards sustainable mobility. We are convinced that our consulting approach is unique: our management expertise and entrepreneurial competence, combined with technical understanding, sets us apart from other consultancies. It allows us to see eye-to-eye with our clients and meet their challenges with tailor-made solutions that bring sustainable change.

Thanks to our cooperation with the AVL Group, our clients benefit from a unique combination of strategic consulting and technological expertise. Together, we make a team that is unrivalled in the consulting industry.

Strategy Engineers has been awarded the title „Best Consultant“ in Germany eleven years in a row. The company was founded in 2011 and today has locations in Munich and Graz.


Strategy Engineers, Munich


Wie mache ich schnell Consulting-Karriere?

Für Erfolg in Consulting-Jobs sind die richtigen Skills oft wichtiger als dein eigentlicher Studienhintergrund. Zwangsläufig musst du im Zuge deiner Consulting-Karriere beispielsweise zum Projektmanagement-Profi werden – dazu gehören sowohl das methodische Vorgehen als auch eine professionelle Kommunikation.

Wichtig für Jobs in der Beratung ist ebenfalls eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe bzw. das Vermögen, aus jedem Beratungsprojekt Lehren zu ziehen und die eigene Arbeitsweise ständig zu optimieren.

Welche verschiedenen Consulting-Jobs gibt es?

Im Consulting unterscheiden sich vor allem die Schwerpunkte und Branchen, in denen du dich spezialisieren kannst. So richten sich Consultant-Stellenangebote zum Beispiel oft an Nachwuchs im Bereich:

  • IT

  • Prozessmanagement

  • Pricing/Vertrieb

  • HR

  • Logistik

  • Wirtschaftsprüfung

  • Steuern

Wie zukunftsfähig ist der Job im Consulting?

Die Consulting-Branche profitiert von einem dauerhaften Hoch und wächst konstant. Unternehmensberatungen suchen händeringend neue Mitarbeiter und versprechen bis dato noch immer im Durchschnitt hohe Gehälter. Gerade Consulting-Jobs mit Beratungsschwerpunkten im Bereich IT, zum Beispiel als Datenanalyst, haben ausgezeichnete Zukunftschancen.

Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Consultant-Stellenangebote?

Deine Consulting-Jobsuche wird am schnellsten belohnt, wenn du dein Anschreiben dem jeweiligen Stellenangebot anpasst und dein Lebenslauf strukturiert deine Fachkompetenz und Berufserfahrung listet. Stimmen die Basics, wirst du in der Regel zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen. Mit welchen Fragen du in deiner Bewerbung für Consulting-Jobs rechnen kannst, findest du hier.

Was verdient ein Consultant?

Spanne Gehalt
von 5.281 €
Ø 6.124 €
bis 7.102 €

Konkrete und aktuelle Infos zum Einstiegsgehalt und Durchschnittsgehalt für Jobs in der Beratung gibt es hier.

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