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NVISO Junior Cyber Strategy & Architecture Consultant (m/w/d)
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Festanstellung Homeoffice möglich

Who are we?

It all starts with the mission: NVISO is here to protect European society from potentially devastating cyber attacks! This means we offer cyber security services to private and governmental organizations to help them better prepare for, prevent, detect and respond to cyber security incidents.

All of this is built on four fundamental values that define who we are: We are Proud, We Break Barriers, We Care and No BS!


You have a strong interest in cyber security and believe the following to be applicable to you?

As a Junior Cyber Strategy & Architecture Consultant (m/w/d), you will assist our smaller and larger customers with the overall reinforcement of their security posture. Typical engagements include (but are certainly not limited to):

  • Defining a Security Strategy, supported by a corporate threat assessment in collaboration with key stakeholders in the organization;
  • Assisting IT or security teams with the implementation of strategic security projects, acting as an interim security officer. You may be supported by other NVISO experts, or work in full integration with the client organization;
  • Implementing or refining our client’s security governance, including decision-making mechanisms, security policies, and norms or security management processes and procedures;
  • Executing risk assessments and elaborating action plans in concertation with internal and external stakeholders;
  • Assisting in reaching or maintaining compliance to information security legal, contractual, or internal requirements;
  • Defining or testing crisis management, business continuity, or disaster recovery planning;
  • Raising the awareness of staff or management on cyber threat through classic or innovative awareness initiatives.

We work both for very large and very small organizations that all have one thing in common: a keen interest in making significant progress in their protection against current and emerging cyber threats.

  • Bachelor or a Master’s degree, your education is not required to be in IT or technology, however you should have some affinity with technology;
  • Used to operating with a great deal of autonomy, but also appreciate the value of team work;
  • A “people person”: a good communicator;
  • Results-oriented and able to deliver within preset deadlines. You value quality and client satisfaction above all, and appreciate the value of outstanding deliverables;
  • You are eligible for a NATO clearance (see HERE for more information).

At NVISO, we care. We are committed to offering you a highly competitive remuneration package including financial and non-financial components:

  • A training budget of 10,000 EUR plus 10 days paid time off rolling over two years;
  • Working with and learning from the best people in the European cyber security "scene". We have several SANS Instructors working for us and we are also represented at popular hacking conferences (BlackHat, BruCON, OWASP, etc.). In addition, our employees can take advantage of prestigious continuing education opportunities (GSE, GXPN, CISSP, OSCP, etc.);
  • A forward-thinking and agile company that supports you in the creation and implementation of new initiatives;
  • Unique team events (most recently e.g. Lisbon, Dubai, Malta);
  • A sophisticated coaching concept starting on day 1;
  • 30 days of vacation;
  • Flexible working hours and home office options (Working Abroad Option);
  • Cost absorption for Deutschlandticket and the BahnCard50 1st class;
  • Company bike leasing;
  • Company pension scheme;
  • A cool office in the heart of Frankfurt and Munich (Roof terrace, table tennis, Playstation, BBQ).



We are a young team of cyber security professionals who decided to do things differently. With innovation rooted in our foundations, we offer services that are up against the modern adversary and that help you Prevent, Detect & Respond to cyber attacks.

Curious for more? Say hello and meet the team!


NVISO, Munich


Wie mache ich schnell Consulting-Karriere?

Für Erfolg in Consulting-Jobs sind die richtigen Skills oft wichtiger als dein eigentlicher Studienhintergrund. Zwangsläufig musst du im Zuge deiner Consulting-Karriere beispielsweise zum Projektmanagement-Profi werden – dazu gehören sowohl das methodische Vorgehen als auch eine professionelle Kommunikation.

Wichtig für Jobs in der Beratung ist ebenfalls eine schnelle Auffassungsgabe bzw. das Vermögen, aus jedem Beratungsprojekt Lehren zu ziehen und die eigene Arbeitsweise ständig zu optimieren.

Welche verschiedenen Consulting-Jobs gibt es?

Im Consulting unterscheiden sich vor allem die Schwerpunkte und Branchen, in denen du dich spezialisieren kannst. So richten sich Consultant-Stellenangebote zum Beispiel oft an Nachwuchs im Bereich:

  • IT

  • Prozessmanagement

  • Pricing/Vertrieb

  • HR

  • Logistik

  • Wirtschaftsprüfung

  • Steuern

Wie zukunftsfähig ist der Job im Consulting?

Die Consulting-Branche profitiert von einem dauerhaften Hoch und wächst konstant. Unternehmensberatungen suchen händeringend neue Mitarbeiter und versprechen bis dato noch immer im Durchschnitt hohe Gehälter. Gerade Consulting-Jobs mit Beratungsschwerpunkten im Bereich IT, zum Beispiel als Datenanalyst, haben ausgezeichnete Zukunftschancen.

Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Consultant-Stellenangebote?

Deine Consulting-Jobsuche wird am schnellsten belohnt, wenn du dein Anschreiben dem jeweiligen Stellenangebot anpasst und dein Lebenslauf strukturiert deine Fachkompetenz und Berufserfahrung listet. Stimmen die Basics, wirst du in der Regel zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen. Mit welchen Fragen du in deiner Bewerbung für Consulting-Jobs rechnen kannst, findest du hier.

Was verdient ein Consultant?

Spanne Gehalt
von 5.281 €
Ø 6.124 €
bis 7.102 €

Konkrete und aktuelle Infos zum Einstiegsgehalt und Durchschnittsgehalt für Jobs in der Beratung gibt es hier.

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