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Marketing Jobs

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STMicroelectronics Trainee for Technical Marketing for Power Conversion ICs in Industrial applications M/F
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Trainee

Job description

Ready to create your own journey?

What we offer

We are seeking a Trainee in P&D Technical Marketing to join our growing team. As a Trainee, you will be fully integrated into the P&D Technical Marketing team and will be responsible for supporting our international marketing teams, global customers, and multiple departments within ST.

During the 2-year trainee program, you will learn, grow, and take ownership in supporting challenging and business focused tasks. Our ST trainee program is designed to provide you with hands-on experience across multiple departments and domains you are interested in within our site in Germany and abroad. You will have the chance to shape your path and work with multiple customers or across other teams within our Sales & Marketing teams, and sites abroad.

Your first assignment will start within the P&D Technical Marketing team, where you will have the opportunity to influence ST's internal and external reputation as a technology leader by working with a variety of different stakeholders from different backgrounds, expertise, cultures, and countries.

We assure you a dynamic working environment with flexible work timings in a learning organization!

Main deliverables and experiences gained are: 

· Training offered to become a product specialist for respective regions under your perimeter in the above-mentioned product categories.

· Support the product leader and align activities and tasks collaboratively to support the division.

· Track and analyze business needs in the EMEA region.

· Support internal and external training.

· Plan, organize and participate in customer visits for product promotion and active designing.

· Contribute to the New Product Proposals (NPPs), discuss and follow up with team and division.

· Collaborate and work effectively with colleagues from the Sales, FAE, Application, and division teams.

· Regular travel to customers divisional and application teams.

If you are a forward thinking, highly energetic and motivated driver with strong communication skills and a passion for innovation, challenge, and learning, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity.


What we are looking for:

· Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics or Microelectronics, or a comparable field of study

· 0-2 years’ work experience and good understanding of economical business processes

· Good technical understanding of power semiconductors

· Results-driven approach, strong skills in organizing and planning.

· Independent, reliable, and relish working collaboratively with others. 

· Passion for high-tech topics

· Computer skills and the daily use of Microsoft Office 365 are a prerequisite, knowledge of SharePoint and Power BI are an advantage.

· Very good written and oral communication and negotiation skills in German (3-Advanced) and English (2- Business fluent), knowledge of French and/or Italian is an advantage.

· Highly flexible and can work effectively in high stress situations.

· Can cooperate successfully and work well with international teams.

· Love to learn and have the courage to develop as a person.

· Ability to work in an international & intercultural environment.

Make the most of this opportunity at ST to learn and grow by gaining hands-on experience in the world of semiconductors by taking charge of your own learning and careers!

Position location

Job location

Europe, Germany, Munich

Candidate criteria

Education level required

4 - Bachelor degree

Experience level required

Less than 2 years


  • German (3- Advanced)
  • English (2- Business fluent)
  • Requester

    Desired start date



    STMicroelectronics, Munich


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    Da ohne Marketingmaßnahmen kein Unternehmen mehr auskommt, stehen dir Stellenangebote im Marketing vom Start-up bis zum Konzern allerorts offen. Wenn du noch nicht weißt, in welcher Branche du später arbeiten möchtest, kannst du auch erst einmal nach Marketingjobs in Werbeagenturen suchen, weil du dort Kunden aus allen möglichen Branchen kennenlernst.

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    Wie deine Bewerbung genau aussehen sollte und welche Fragen dich im weiteren Bewerbungsprozess auf einen Job im Marketing erwarten können, erfährst du hier.

    Wie zukunftsfähig ist der Job im Marketing?

    Unternehmen wollen ihr Produkt verkaufen und müssen es deshalb bestmöglich vermarkten: Dass Stellenanzeigen im Marketing in nächster Zeit nicht von der Bildoberfläche verschwinden, dürfte sich also von selbst erklären. Die Definition von Marketing hat durchs Internet und neue Medien eine deutliche Erweiterung erfahren.

    Durch rasante Technologieentwicklungen verändern sich Jobs im Marketing ständig und mit ihnen der Beruf des Marketers. Natürlich sind der Onlinebereich und Social Media weiter im Kommen, was sich natürlich auch wieder in der Auswahl der Stellenangebote im Marketing niederschlägt.

    Wie mache ich schnell Karriere im Marketing?

    Um in Marketingjobs eine steile Karriere hinzulegen, kannst du aus verschiedenen Richtungen kommen: BWLer und Kommunikationswissenschaftler, aber auch Wirtschaftspsychologen und sogar Quereinsteiger sind in der Marketingbranche gern gesehen. Auch mit einer entsprechenden Ausbildung kannst du dich auf Marketingstellenanzeigen bewerben.

    Mit dem nötigen Branchenwissen aus deiner Ausbildung und wirtschaftlichem Denken kannst du im Marketing schnell Fuß fassen. Aber nicht vergessen: Wie in jedem Job kommt es natürlich auch bei Jobs im Marketing auf gute Soft Skills an.

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