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Softwareentwicklung Jobs

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Zero to One Search Junior Software Developer
Veröffentlicht am 21.07.2024 Festanstellung
Our client is a German internet company that offers its customers a wide range of services related to finance, insurance, travel, and more. The company became one of the leading comparison portals in Germany. It provides a convenient and transparent platform for users to compare prices and services, as well as access to expert advice and customer reviews. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and innovation, the company continues to expand its offerings and establish itself as a trusted source for online comparison shopping. They have more than 15 millions of active users.The hiring team is responsible to develop and launch pathbreaking high-impact services from scratch.  This team works closely together with the company C-Level Management and especially the CTO. As a  BackEnd  Software Developer you will work on system and software architecture, develop new products and product features, and will be responsible to ship completely new services.Their vision is to create multiple new services over the next years. After one service has been successfully launched and scaled within their platform, you can go either way: Continue to work on that service and take it to the next level, or take the challenge and create the next service from scratch again.
Location: Munich Type of contract: Permanent, on-site Your main responsibilities:
  • Independent implementation of IT process optimization throughout the entire department (analyzing the status quo, designing KPIs, deriving optimization potential and implementing it in collaboration with the respective department)
  • Further development of various projects in the holding company such as our central customer accounts (SSO)
  • Analysis and preparation of information for the CTOs
  • Supporting the CTOs/HR with group-wide personnel development measures for all software developers in the company preparing IT meetings, further developing focus groups IT)
  • Conception and implementation of the company's open source strategy expand GitHub account, support the community)

  • Requirements

  • Excellent grades in university degree and completed relevant studies, computer science, business informatics, mathematics, physics, etc.
  • Very good command of at least one programming or scripting language (PHP, Python, Golang, Java, C#, etc.)
  • High willingness to learn and motivation to continually familiarize yourself with new technologies, programming languages ​​and setups
  • Strong analytical skills with high problem-solving skills
  • High self-motivation and self-discipline to get projects over the finish line
  • Communication skills and a good feel for people in order to build the best technical solutions in cooperation with the respective areas
  • Good Linux/DevOps knowledge
  • Fluent knowledge of German

  • Benefits

  • They offer you the stability of an established online company - and offer permanent, permanent positions
  • Steep career opportunities through continuous growth – take the individual path to becoming a specialist or develop into a manager with them
  • Individual development and further training opportunities thanks to a broad training catalog and specialized personnel development for your career path
  • Vouchers for their products and a subsidized company pension plan
  • Extras such as drinks and fruit 
  • Central location with excellent transport connections
  • They celebrate successes together at numerous events

  • Standort

    Zero to One Search, Munich


    Wie mache ich schnell Karriere in Softwareentwickler-Jobs?

    Deine Softwareentwickler-Karriere kommt vor allem durch Programmier-Skills und analytisches Denkvermögen in Fahrt. Ob du mit einem Bachelor oder Master den Job als Softwareentwickler antrittst, ist erst einmal zweitrangig. Denn wie in der gesamten IT baust du Fachwissen, Problemlösungskompetenz und Agilität vor allem durch Berufserfahrung auf. Zusätzlich zeichnet erfolgreiche Softwareentwickler und Programmierer ständiges Lernen und Innovationskraft aus.

    Welche verschiedenen Softwareentwickler-Jobs gibt es?

    Jobs als Softwareentwickler lassen sich gut der jeweiligen Programmier- und Auszeichnungssprache bzw. Software zuordnen. So fordern die meisten Softwareentwickler-Stellenangebote Fähigkeiten im Bereich:

    Wie zukunftsfähig sind Jobs für Softwareentwickler?

    Konstant entwickelt sich der Softwaremarkt weiter. Ob die Modifikationen und Optimierung bestehender Software oder der Launch komplett neuer Software: Der Job als Softwareentwickler bleibt im digitalen Zeitalter gefragt – und das in quasi allen Branchen und Arbeitsbereichen.

    Wie bewerbe ich mich erfolgreich auf Softwareentwickler-Stellenangebote?

    Zwar erleichtert die hohe Nachfrage der Unternehmen grundsätzlich die Stellensuche als Softwareentwickler, allerdings gibt es auch hier gewisse Spielregeln. Dazu gehören mindestens ein auf die Stellenangebote präzisiertes Anschreiben sowie ein gut strukturierter Lebenslauf. Auch im Vorstellungsgespräch warten auf den Softwareentwickler oft vorhersehbare Fragen, die du inklusive vorgefertigtem Bewerbungsmuster hier findest.

    Was verdient ein Softwareentwickler?

    Spanne Gehalt
    von 4.482 €
    Ø 5.015 €
    bis 5.611 €

    Weitere Infos und aktuelle Zahlen zum Softwareentwickler-Gehalt gibt es hier.

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